NPR 12/2023: Bringing up a baby can be a tough and lonely job. Here's a solution: alloparent
Tes, 07/05/2021: What hunter-gatherers can teach us about learning
Seeker, 12/12/17: Storytelling Promoted Egalitarian Values Nefore the Advent of Religion
CBCradio, 9/12/17: What connects Filipino hunter-gatherers and Hitchcock? The power of a good story
Forbes, 7/12/17: Research Proves That The Storytellers Is Valued More Than Anyone Else In A Society
IFLScience, 5/12/17: Good Storytellers Make For Strong Societies
DailyMail, 5/12/17: Storytelling promoted moral behaviour before religion
PhysOrg, 8/2/17: Key friendships vital for effective human social networks
PNAS Journal Club, 10/10/16, How social structure might drive the evolution of cumulative culture
ScienceDaily, 8/9/16: Tracing the path of Pygmies' shared knowledge of medicinal plants
Filthy Monkey Men, 18/8/16: Socialising gave us an evolutionary advantage
NewHistorian, 28/7/16: Social Networking Means Survival for Hunter-Gatherer Groups
ScienceDaily, 21/7/16: What hunter-gatherers can tell us about fundamental human social networks
IFLScience, 21/7/16: Hunter-Gatherer Socities Have Three-Tiered Social Networks
Seeker, 21/7/16: Hunter-Gatherer Tribes: The Original Social Networks
ScienceDaily, 13/7/16: Camp stability predicts patterns of hunter-gatherer cooperation
Filthy Monkey Men, 10/5/16: Farming evolved as it leads to more death, but even more babies
SciMex, 6/6/15: Meet the missuses-popular Pygmies have multiple wives
Richard Dawkins Foundation, 22/5/15: Unique social structure of hunter-gatherers explained
The Conversation, 18/5/15: Why our ancestors were more gender equal than us
The New York Times, 15/5/15: There was real gender equality in prehistoric times
Science World Report, 15/5/15: Hunter-Gatherers' Unique Social Structure Reveals Sex Equality
The Guardian:14/5/15: Early men and women were equal, say scientists
eurekAlert, 14/5/15: Why modern hunter-gatherers live with so few kin
PacificStandard, 14/5/15: Sex Equality and Cooperation, Hunter-Gatherer Style