This video is from a Mbendjele camp called Masia, where I stayed for a month with two PhD friends. Semoi (in red African fabric) and her family were super friendly and always up for showing me new things about the forest life. One dry morning, I accompanied them in their search for “mea” (a kind of tuber) in the jungle. Women, as you see in this video, often sing and talk loudly when walking in the forest to avoid attacks from dangerous animals.
Bu video, doktoradan 2 arkadasla 1 ay yasadigimiz Masia adindaki Mbendjele kampindan. Semoi (uzerinde kirmizi Afrika kumasi olan) ve ailesi cok canayakindi ve bana orman hayatiyla ilgili seyler gostermeye her zaman can atiyordu. Yagmursuz bir sabah, onlara ormanda “mea” (bir cesit yumru) arayislarinda eslik ettim. Bu videoda gordugunuz gibi, kadinlar ormanda yuruduklerinde tehlikeli hayvanlari kacirmak icin sarki soyleyip yuksek sesle konusuyorlar.